
香港獨立媒體: 南華早報拒就社評出錯道歉

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Jan 10th 2014, 03:49, by 劉軒


該市民於前日收到《南早》Managing Editor Brian Rhoads的回覆:

"We have read over the leader and re-read your letter and while it could have been more clearly written we do not believe it merits a correction. However, as I mentioned on the phone, you are most welcome to send a Letter to the Editor giving your views on the PLA waterfront issue and our letters editor John Lee would be happy to consider it for publication."


該市民於早前的信件中提及現時解放軍碼頭的爭議,指出該海濱地段原為公共空間,一旦被劃為「軍事用途」,特區政府便無法干預,公眾擔憂此規劃會破壞「一國兩制」。就此,Rhoads回應市民可向報章欄目 "Letter to the Editor" 投稿,表達對海濱用地的意見。


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