(此為 5 月 15日發出的聲明,5月17日遭刪除,特在此重貼)
離開,是為了迎來新方向──Hidden Agenda 人事變動聲明
(scroll down for English version)
Hidden Agenda (live house)是由許仲和跟已離開的四位朋友──阿誠、阿康、阿琛與阿峰(已故)在2009年創辦。五年間,不斷有好人加入,幫忙,離開,回來。Hidden Agenda 作為獨立空間,主要營運有賴成員無酬奉獻或低薪工作、無數樂隊無償演出與及所有觀眾的支持,令不可能變得可能。 五年時間不算長,但每場演出,都是建築於不可能的條件之上,為此我們只有感恩。
不同成員帶著不同想像參與,塑造出 Hidden Agenda 的多個面向,互補長短,共渡時艱,是投入 live house 的最大滿足感。青春有限,可以投放之事卻無限,雖然依依不捨,但我們決定在這個時間離開,計劃人生的另外一些可能。現在我們把業務責任與發展方向,交還發起人許仲和,未來可能會以其他形式合作。
New agenda, and we are leaving for the best interest
Hidden Agenda (live house), founded by Steveo Hui and his four good old buddies, including Jimmy(deceased), in 2009. During this five years, good people helped out, joining, leaving, and some returns. As a completely non government subsidy space, we manage shows by volunteers or really low paid staffs, millions of band playing for free, and all of our supporters, all of you made things possible. Five years isn't that long, but every gig we had was not meant to be, and we are grateful, it worked.
Everyone involved brought different ideas and expectations and it shaped Hidden Agenda into an all-purpose space, and we support each other during the hard times, fantastic memories. It is tough for all of us, but we have decided to leave Hidden Agenda and focus on other projects and plans we had in mind. For now, Steveo will take up all the responsibilities, and will operate under his mastermind. We might cooperate in the future too, maybe in a different way.
Once again, thank you all for your loving.
With love,
Ah Wah
Ah Chan