For the rights of workers and an end to forced migration
Resist neoliberal globalization, Junk WTO!
Statement of the Asian Migrants' Coordinating Body – International
Migrants Alliance (AMCB-IMA)
A new wave of neoliberal globalization offensive is set to be unleashed
in the 9th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
that will aggravate the hardships of the workers and people, intensify
displacement and forced migration, and trample on sovereignty of
We, migrants and people, should resist the new round of WTO
negotiations, advance campaigns for our rights, and continue to advance
the anti-imperialist movement against neoliberal globalization, plunder
and war.
Working under the design of neoliberal globalization policies of
liberalization, deregulation and privatization, trade negotiations and
agreements in the WTO that include every considerable goods and services
have only worsened the crisis experienced especially by poor countries.
In a world that is socio-economically unbalanced and politically
subservient to the interest of imperialists, chiefly the United States,
WTO policies have eroded economies – industry, agriculture, service – of
many countries, intensified monopolies of capital and goods, and have
plunged the world in multiple crisis including food scarcity, financial
instability and environmental destruction.
This December in Bali, Indonesia, the WTO is set to finalize agreements
on agriculture, concerns of least developed countries or (LDCs), and on
trade facilitation. These agreements will complement other neoliberal
globalization-driven negotiations including the Trade in Services
Agreement or TISA that is widely-considered as worse than the General
Agreement on Trade in Services or GATS, and the Trans-Pacific
Partnership Agreement or TPPA that is even worse than the WTO!
However much the WTO sugarcoats its agenda, it has been proven that
neoliberal globalization only leads to further exploitation and
oppression of the people.
For migrant workers, it will mean the further deterioration of our home
country's economy and the systematization of the labour export program.
WTO agreements will lead to more rural displacement, constricting access
to basic social services, loss of jobs and livelihood, and general
dislocation of people.
While in destination countries, WTO thrusts will further cheapen migrant
labour, restrict their civil and political and rights and promote
temporary labour programs (or guest workers programs) that expose
migrant to risks of abuses and worker's rights violations. The
heightened crisis even in destination countries can lead to worse cases
of racism, discrimination and xenophobia that governments allow, if not
Migrants in Hong Kong are not new to the WTO for we were also part of
the movement that successfully defeated the WTO talks in Hong Kong in
2005. We know that our condition and problems can be laid on the feet of
WTO and imperialist globalization.
Our position was clear then and it is still clear now: JUNK WTO! In
solidarity with our people and fellow migrants, we shall continue to
resist any offensive of imperialism in all spheres and work towards a
system that is truly responsive to justice, human rights, and dignity of
Hong Kong SAR
1 December 2013